Vlad Vasiliu ico-vefified-1

Membru din Oct 2019

Reviews from guests

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 total
Bogdan Gebaila

Bogdan Gebaila

01/22/2025 02:14

O locație superbă cu peisaje de vis. Locul perfect pentru cei ce caută liniște deplină. Camere curate și dotate cu tot ce e necesar. Gazdele sunt prietenoase și te ajută cu tot ce ai nevoie. Sigur vom reveni.
Adina Popescu

Adina Popescu

01/22/2025 02:14

Enjoy your head in the clouds escape!

Perfect views, awesome accommodation
Valentina Bakker-Balaceanu

Valentina Bakker-Balaceanu

01/22/2025 02:14

Breathtaking location, amiable hosts

One of the most beautiful locations in the whole Carpatians! There is enough place for children to play in nature, the rooms are big and very clean and the hosts are just amazing people!
Valentina Bakker-Balaceanu

Valentina Bakker-Balaceanu

01/22/2025 02:14

Breathtaking location, amiable hosts

Alpine Studios location is probably one of the most beautiful places in the Carpatians! Spacious and very clean rooms, a lot of space for children to play in nature and very friendly and helpful hosts.
Mihai Diana

Mihai Diana

01/22/2025 02:14

Cel mai minunat loc din tara unde te poti relaxa si uita de stres. Peisajul este de nedescris indiferent de anotimp. Abia asteptam sa ne revedem si sa petrecem. Am cunoscut oameni minunati. Va pupam Vlad si Cristina.
Dragomir Petrică

Dragomir Petrică

01/22/2025 02:14


Ne-am simțit minunat. O locație minunata, peisaj superb, gazde prietenoase, Igor, o frumusețe de ciobănesc și câteva pisici jucăușe. Am revenit cu plăcere de fiecare dată. Este mult mai frumos decât în poze.
Mihai Diana

Mihai Diana

01/22/2025 02:14

Minunat loc

Ce era cel mai important ... Am uitat sa dau nota. Minunat loc, il recomand tuturor celor care inca nu au ajuns la Alpine Escape Studios.
logocups logocups

logocups logocups

01/22/2025 02:14

Un loc superb!

Ceea ce veți găsi aici nu se compară cu nimic din ce ați mai văzut! E un loc superb, un peisaj fabulos! Veți găsi o curățenie impecabilă care satisface și pe cei mai pretențioși dintre voi. Iar Vlad și Cristina sunt chiar foarte faini! ????
Andrei Angheliu

Andrei Angheliu

01/22/2025 02:14

The most amazing place I visited in Romania.

You can find a clean and simple room. But trust me, you don't need anything else once you arrive there. The place is the kind that you want to have as your screensaver, but it has the potential to be your lifesaver, or at minimum your weekend saver. It is located at the end of the road, on top of a hill, between two mountains. I mean... man, it takes your breath away. And the hosts really like what they are doing. You might expect to find some random hosts managing a business, but it is probable to find some friends. I could say a lot of things and get you tired reading the review, but trust me, go visit the place. You will call your visit as "your first visit there" because it won't be your last :)
AndreeaAndrei AndreeaAndrei

AndreeaAndrei AndreeaAndrei

01/22/2025 02:14

I loved it!

The location is simply breathtaking and there aren't enough words to describe how amazing are the hosts. When I say "hosts" I cannot forget about Igor. Just... go and you won't regret it!
Showing 1 - 10 of 14 total
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