King's Rock Cabin, Zarnesti, Piatra Craiului

King's Rock Cabin, Zarnesti, Piatra Craiului Zărnești, Romania
Săgeată spre stânga Imagine conținut model interior Săgeată spre dreapta
Bogdan S.

Membru din May 2020


4 Oaspeți * 2 Camere * 2 Paturi * 2 Băi

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Te invit sa descoperi Romania autentica, intr-un cadru superb, la poalele Pietrei Craiului. Aici timpul parca a stat in loc.

Mestesugurile, obiceiurile si traditiile vechi de secole s-au pastrat, fiind transmise de localnici din generatie in generatie. Peisajele au ramas nealterate, iar viata salbatica inca isi poate continua rutina zilnica nestingherita.

Carnivorele mari, ursul, lupul si rasul, isi mai fac uneori simtita prezenta pe la stane si prin gospodarii, dar oamenii au invatat sa convietuiasca impreuna cu ele, intelegand cat de importanta este comuniunea om/natura.

In acest decor rupt parca din basmele copilariei am construit cabana King's Rock Cabin pentru iubitorii de natura, dar si pentru cei dornici sa cunoasca un stil de viata apus de mult timp in restul Europei.

Locatia mea dispune de 2 dormitoare cu baie proprie, living si bucatarie open space. Spatiile sunt complet mobilate si utilate. In plus, iti pun la dispozitie toate produsele de igiena (periuta dinti, pasta, sapun, sampon, gel dus, casca, etc).

Constructia este realizata din materiale ecologice (in special, lemn si caramida tiganeasca), faurite cu grija de mesterii locali. Aici vei avea parte de liniste si intimitate, bucurandu-te de o gradina de 3000 mp, iar daca esti aventurier, zeci de mii de hectare de rezervatie naturala iti stau la dispozitie. Creasta Pietrei Craiului este iubita deopotriva de pasionatii de alpinism, de iubitorii de fotografie, dar si de cercetatori.

Peste 1 170 de specii de plante, peste 40 de specii de mamifere si peste 200 de specii de fluturi si-au gasit leaganul aici. Foarte multe dintre specii sunt ocrotite prin lege, acestea fiind pe cale de disparitie.

  • Traversarea crestei Pietrei Craiului, recomandată numai turiștilor experimentați;
  • Observarea fluturașului de stâncă în Cheile Zărneștiului și a caprelor negre în zonele înalte de creastă;
  • Un răsărit de soare în satele de la poalele muntelui: Măgura, Peștera, Șirnea, pentru a admira creasta în toată splendoarea ei;
  • Admirarea florilor de munte, precum garofița Pietrei Craiului sau floarea de colț, sau a numeroaselor specii de orhidee, printre care se remarcă sângele voinicului și papucul doamnei;
  • O drumeție la Cerdacul Stanciului și Marele Grohotiș.
  • Vizitarea Castelului Bran (Castelul lui Dracula);
  • Vizitarea Cetarii Rasnov;
  • Excursie cu copiii la Dino Park Rasnov;
  • Vizita la sanctuarul de ursi de la Zarnesti.

ID: TRAV1057

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    ID: TRAV19720

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Activitati in aer liber Activitati in aer liber
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Kids friendly Kids friendly
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Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
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Incalzire Incalzire
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3:00 PM
Check Out
12:00 AM
Politica Unității
No smoking inside.
Animale de companie
Pets are allowed but we may charge an extra fee.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Politica Rezervari Travlocals
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
3:00 PM
Check Out
12:00 AM
Politica Unității
Nu se fumează în interior.
Animale de companie
Sunt permise animale de companie, dar s-ar putea percepe o taxă suplimentară.
Nu sunt permise petreceri sau evenimente.
Copiii de orice vârstă sunt bineveniți.
Politica Rezervari Travlocals
Politica de Anulare

Plată 100% în avans.


Bazat pe 9 reviews
Very Good
total_asig total_asig
Beautiful place!
The cabin is excellent, the view is amazing and the hosts are very welcoming and helpful. The location is near the mountain and although it's in the city the feeling is that you're far away from it :). The place is very clean and cozy.
Mircea NITA
The cabin is very beautiful, clean, the view is amazing and the hosts are very, very nice. Itșs a place where you can stay all day long inside, but also want to breathe the fresh air outside. We really liked the design, the details, the whole place and we canșt wait to come back again!
This cabin is perfect for a couples' few days getaway. It is very cozy and welcoming, I enjoyed the intimacy and the relaxed feeling of the place. Owners are also real nice and helpful. This is not an isolate cabin in the woods, but it offers a great view to the mountains and is very close to the beginning of a few trails, for those who want to explore more. If not, that's okay too - you can spend time inside, enjoying a warm bath or a good book :)
Siobhan Williams
The cabin design is wonderful, the view is great, and the 2 bedrooms are very comfortable, but that's about it. There is not much privacy. The owners live in the same courtyard and you never know when they pop up in the garden. The living room/kitchen has big windows, as can be seen in their pictures, but there are no curtains and there is a road right in front of the windows. So, if you are cooking, eating, watching tv, etc., you feel like in an aquarium, as anybody passing by can see you (tourists and local people). There is also a house right in front of the living room / kitchen that is not finished yet, but once it's done, they will have a direct view inside the cabin. The kitchen is not very well equipped. There is a tiny freezer without a deep-freezer. So no ice and no ice cream. There is a small cooking stove with only one spot. The storage area is very limited. You should not bring a lot of food/ingredients. If you want to cook just bring the minimum and buy everything else on a daily basis from the local shops. There is no gazebo, so no proper barbecue and no barbecue if it's raining. The existing barque is basic and it was not cleaned for us. It had leftover charcoals and a pool of water. There is an umbrella, a table, 2 chairs and a couch outside (interior couch and pretty dirty). The umbrella is not properly grounded, so if the wind blows, you might expect it to fall over, as it did in our case. There are also 2 hammock chairs and one springboard. There is also a dog which is very cute and friendly, but they leave it to you to play with. They leave it out during daytime and they lock it up around 8 in the evening. I like dogs, but i don't like to cook or eat with them around as i have to be careful they don't drool over the food or steal it. In my opinion this cabin is targeted towards hiking people that just want a fancy place to sleep and relax with a drink after a long day. You should buy food from the local restaurants and not bother with cooking. The description should be better and include all the facilities and more pictures. For me, as it is now, it's just false advertising.
Mada Zabava
This is a stunning cabin!
The serenity of the place, the design of the cabin and the interior decoration gives you such a warmful feeling! I loved the big windows and the comfortable bed with the white sheets. Everything is very well mixed and there's a lot of space outside. Of course, you can easily reach any hiking route or just enjoy a walk to the forest which is very close.
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Zărnești, Romania
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4.9/5 (Excellent)

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