How do I set the price for an accommodation that is rented entirely?

If you have an accommodation that is rented entirely, you should know that there are multiple functions available to set the price. These functions are found in the Pricing section, after accessing the listing editing panel. Here you[...]
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How do I set the rates for an accommodation? How do I add discounts and extra fees?

The modality of setting the price for accommodations varies depending on the type of rental and its associated layout (Entirely vs By Room). In addition to setting the base price, you have functions available to add extra fees or[...]
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How can I switch between renting out the entire unit and renting out by separate subunits?

You should know that this process requires attention, as we have built separate layouts for the 2 types of rentals. Each layout has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, if you want to switch between renting out the entire unit[...]
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I have an accommodation that I want to rent out both by subunits and in its entirety. How do I proceed?

If you have an accommodation that you want to rent out both by subunits and in its entirety, you have 2 options:   - you create 2 separate main listings, one with Entirely Layout and one with By Units Layout; - you create a single[...]
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I have an accommodation that I rented by subunits, but now I decide to rent it only entirely. What should I do?

If you have a property that you were renting out by room but decide to rent it out entirely, here's what you need to do: In the first editable field - Content - you need to check "Entirely" in the Booking Type section. This will bring back the[...]
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