Valchid Guest House - Saxon House in Transylvania

Valchid Guest House - Saxon House in Transylvania Valchid, Romania
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Franco A.

Member Since Aug 2020

Max. Capacity

4 Guests * 2 Bedrooms * 2 Beds * 2 Bathrooms

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The main location is an old Saxon house which was completely restored, strictly aiming to preserve its original architectural style.

This accommodation consists of a main body with an open kitchen, a dining room and a livingroom on the ground floor and two bedrooms and a bathroom with a toilet, bathtub, sink and bidet on the upper floor. The house also has a basement which takes up to half of the house's area.

Both the guesthouse and the yard have free wifi access.

Other two separate rooms are located in the yard and they were completely restored. Each of them has its own bathroom with shower, toilet and sink. Hot water supply is made of electric boilers (each bathroom has its own boiler). These two rooms have a double bed, 2 nightstands, closet, table and footwear storage.

Other facilities in the yard

A work space in the attic of the ex shed with a work table, chair, couch, computer furniture, printer etc. It has internet access and plugs for electronic systems.

The shed was kept in its initial form, semi-open, with an 8 people table, a wood bench on a brick support, a glass ceramics stove, a dishwasher, a washing machine, fridge, kitchen furniture.

The old wood stove was kept and it is still functional. This space can be used both in the summer and winter since we heat it with radiant panels of infrared wavelength.

Covered space for bike storage. For the hiking lovers, guests of the Guest House Valchid we offer 3 bicycles.

Our guests can also enjoy our garden which was set up as a relaxing area, in a perimeter of aprox. 500 square meters. Here we have a fruit tree orchard, a garden where we grow organic vegetables, a playground for children and opening to the Valchid River.

We also have in the yard:

  • A big patio with 2 tables for 8 people, a bench and heating by infrared panels system.
  • Campfire space surrounded by 4 benches, cooking space and crockery (table with access to water). We also offer a barbeque and/or kettle and fire wood.

Lunch and dinner

Guests have the shed to cook for themselves. It has all the facilities you need (glass ceramics stove, crockery, fridge, big sink, washing machine). 

As an alternative, with the help of the families from the village, we can organize traditional meals with standard menus or you can order them in advance (1-2 days before). The price varies according to the request and the availability. 

In order to sustain our local community, we can offer you supplies of local products (cheese from shepherds, vegetables from the farmers, honey, eggs and milk, wine).

We advise you

While on your walks, please respect the surrounding nature! Here, people are polite and open so you can ask them about places and they will be happy to help. (ex: the keys in order to visit the fortified churches are in the care of one family who lives in the village).

On the village roads which are also the ones that connect the villages, please drive carefully: here, children play on the streets, animals are left to walk on the streets by themselves. Avoid speed and enjoy what nature gives in this area, as you can see deers, foxes, pheasants and rabbits.

ID: TRAV1048

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    ID: TRAV24297

Rental type

Traditional homes


Kitchen Kitchen
Free parking on premises Free parking on premises
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Children playground Children playground
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Free Wi-fi Free Wi-fi
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Barbeque area Barbeque area
Remote work Remote work
24h front desk 24h front desk
Luggage support Luggage support

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Check In
1:00 PM
Check Out
10:00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Pets are allowed for free.
Parties or events are allowed.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
1:00 PM
Check Out
10:00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Pets are allowed for free.
Parties or events are allowed.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy

100% payment in advance.
Direct Booking Policy
Advance Payment (%)
Refundable in case of cancellation
With how many days before check-in
14 days
Payment with holiday vouchers


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Based on 2 reviews
Very Good
Cristina Cosma
Rusenescu Ramona
Wonderful rural location with all the urban benefits
A 2-day stay at Valchid Guest House was all we needed to have a glimpse of rural Transilvania with the perfect accomodation! The rooms were very clean, the beds were welcoming, the bathroom (and the shower) had hot water. This place has a wonderful large garden where you can work, eat, have a campfire, a barbecue, stay in the swing, on the grass, or on the handmade benches. We had full access to the kitchen and all the domestic things we needed. Everything is very relaxing and the stay was great in every way.
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Valchid, Romania
Vezi harta


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