La Hansi, in Crit

La Hansi, in Crit La Hansi in Criț, Criț, Romania
Săgeată spre stânga Imagine conținut model interior Săgeată spre dreapta
Andreea Vasiu

Member Since Dec 2019

Max. Capacity

25 Guests * 11 Bedrooms * 16 Beds * 9 Bathrooms

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La Hansi is a Saxon household which hosts houses reconditioned with love for families, couples and groups of friends.

The facilities we offer are: journey back in the historical past through wood furniture typical for the area, ceramic objects and handmade fabrics, comfortable beds, quiet environment, refreshing air, tasty traditional dishes made with ingredients from our own garden and local households.

Location and surroundings

We welcome you to a quiet village from Brasov county, the village of Crit. You will discover our surroundings covered by forests and grasslands with haystacks, walked by not only domestic animals.

On the medieval streets all you can feel is the smell of traditional food. The dishes are various because we have a diverse cultural community.

There is a grocery store at 300 m. We invite you to discover an animal farm located at 900 m. The closest airport is an hour and a half away from us.


La Hansi is a Saxon household composed of a few houses which were restored in detail by local customs. The houses are ideal for families, couples and groups of friends. The interior keeps the permanence of the Saxon tradition.

Each room is made from ancient pieces of furniture, benches and hope chests which are typical to the area, handmade fabrics, ceramic objects made by the folk craftsmen, wood heating stoves.

The first house is actually a  family room that has three bedrooms with wood king-size beds, comfortable mattresses and traditional fabrics. It also has a shared bathroom which has every facility you need.

The double room with extra bed has a  with a king-size bed and a single bed which have mattresses that will help you get a good night sleep and traditional embroidered fabrics. It also has a kitchenette and a private bathroom, both fully-equipped.

Besides these houses we also have 5 individual rooms (with 2 or 3 beds), each of them having their own bathroom. The rooms have wood pieces of furniture, comfortable beds with traditional bed sheets and an antique atmosphere, perfect for a holiday in Transylvania. You can enter these rooms directly from the yard.

If you have a big group of friends, this is the perfect place for you. If you are wondering if there is Internet, we recommend you to forget about it! Here you have us, the locals and the animals as your friends. We will be delighted to talk to you in the barn which was restored with Saxon objects, we will talk about the history of the village of Crit and about the lasting nature which surrounds us, at the pace of a savory glass of palinca from our own production.


We welcome you to La Hansi, in Crit, to enjoy traditional dishes made from local products after recipes passed down through generations. Among the goods there are: homemade bread baked at the old hearth, wort, wine, palinca, cabbage lichiu, smoked meat, cheese and fresh vegetables platters.

Crit is a medieval village, ideal to start exploring Transylvania. Here is what you can discover in the area:

  • Vast forests with wild animals;
  • Saxon villages with medieval air and impressive stories;
  • Fortified churches, dating back hundreds of years;
  • Towers from which you can watch the picturesque landscapes;
  • Local wine and hard liquors tasting.

ID: TRAV1106

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    ID: TRAV14353

Rental type

Traditional homes


Restaurant Restaurant
Wine cellar Wine cellar
Free parking on premises Free parking on premises
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Breakfast Breakfast
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Barbeque area Barbeque area
Bar Bar

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2:00 PM
Check Out
11:00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Pets are allowed for free.
Parties or events are allowed only with the prior consent of the host.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
2:00 PM
Check Out
11:00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Pets are allowed for free.
Parties or events are allowed only with the prior consent of the host.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy

100% payment in advance.
Direct Booking Policy
Refundable in case of cancellation
Payment with holiday vouchers


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Based on 2 reviews
Very Good
Un loc de poveste
La Hansi te simti ca in cea mai frumoasa poveste!!! Un loc ideal pentru iubitorii de simplu, autentic, e un loc care-ti umple sufletul de bucurie si de liniste. Lumina din camere, caldura data de sobe,asternuturile alb imaculate, broderiile cu care sunt decorati peretii, mobilierul cu istorie,totul te ajuta sa simti ca intr-adevar vesnicia s-a nascut la sat. Recunoscatori pentru caldura si grija cu care ne-au primit cei de aici, mai ales pentru felurile vegane pregatite. Un loc ideal pentru cei cu o alimentatie plant based-feluri nutritive, colorate, pline de gust.
Vacanta minunata cu copiii
Un loc minunat creat de gazde minunate. Recomand mai ales pentru familiile cu copii, au o curte numai buna de explorat, multe animale (foarte blande ?) si mancare delicioasa; pluuus niste deserturi numai bune de savurat pe balansoar?. Extra-avantaj: e la doi pasi de biserica fortificata din Crit.
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La Hansi in Criț, Criț, Romania
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