Rooster's Nest - Inside the Village

Rooster's Nest - Inside the Village Măgura, Bezdead, Romania
Săgeată spre stânga Imagine conținut model interior Săgeată spre dreapta
Milena Timofte

Member Since May 2023

Max. Capacity

3 Guests * 1 Bedroom * 2 Beds * 1 Bathroom

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'Inside, The Village' is a "village within a village." It consists of 4 old wooden houses, relocated from Maramures. They are designed to provide guests with a second home, privacy and comfort. These houses are crafted to allow guests to enjoy the experience of staying in a home built with natural materials, warming themselves by the stove, dining on local organic produce, and connecting with nature, with their roots, and most importantly, with themselves. "Take a step inside yourself!"

The space

"Rooster's Nest" and "Wooden Hideaway" are 2 separate open-space lofts, each self-contained and fully autonomous, but belonging to the same house. Therefore, guests renting either of the lofts can enjoy the communal use of the house's terrace.

Our 'Rooster's Nest' home is an open-space, two-story cozy loft. On the ground floor you will find an open space living room, entrance hallway and a kitchenette. The bathroom is on the ground floor as well, generously sized, and including a large tub perfect for relaxing with a glass of wine and a good book after a day out in nature. Upstairs there is the open plan bedroom with a king size bed and plenty of space around.

Our home is perfect for 2 guests, be it a couple, friends, small family or a single person, but it can fit an additional third person to sleep on the downstairs sofa- although it is not extendable, we think it is quite spacey and would comfortably fit a third person or child with no problem. The table in the living room can be used for serving a meal, or it can be made into a work-from home set-up, as you will find a plug right next to it.

The kitchenette is small but ticks all the necessities: you will have an electrical stove, a kettle, sink and a small fridge. The kitchen is also prepared with anything you may need for preparing a meal, such as olive oil, spices, salt and pepper, pans and pots, cutlery, etc.

All of our homes include bio, organic toiletries and cotton bedding and towels.

Other things to note

Our homes, beautiful and charming as they are, would not be the same if they were newly built. Their uniqueness and character comes from the fact that they are built from old wood and that they are in every aspect, a traditional home, restored to fit our every day comfort while still capturing the roots and origins of our culture.

For this reason, it's important to remember that you will not find here the same level of comfort as you would in a typical hotel or city apartment. Part of the beauty of the experience of staying in our homes is the rural location, but this means that you may come across insects, dust, wild animals or other things which are common for living in the countryside.

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    ID: TRAV40171

Rental type

Rustic Resorts
Traditional homes


Kitchen Kitchen
Free parking Free parking
Free parking on premises Free parking on premises
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Free Wi-fi Free Wi-fi
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Barbeque area Barbeque area
Remote work Remote work
Reception Reception
Luggage support Luggage support

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Check In
02:00 PM
Check Out
11:00 PM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
02:00 PM
Check Out
11:00 PM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy

100% payment in advance.


Based on 3 reviews
Very Good
Mahjoub Maya
Mahjoub Maya
Ne-am simțit ca acasă
Fiind un grup de 4 persoane, am închiriat Rooster's Nest și Wooden Hideaway. Inițial nu am știut la ce să ne așteptam, ulterior bucuria noastră a fost enorma. Căsuțele sunt extrem de confortabile, primitoare, te fac să te simți ca acasă într-un mod extrem de natural. Am beneficiat de toate facilitățile necesare, bucătarie utilată cu cele de trebuință, băile de asemenea. Încălzirea locuințelor se face într-un mod inedit, la sobe impunătoare, devenind atracția principală a sejurului. Paturile sunt comode și odihnitoare. Gazda noastră, doamna Milena, s-a asigurat mereu că nu ne lipsește nimic și că ne simțim bine. Accesul la locație se face cu mașina personală și există loc de parcare. Din partea noastră, vorbe numai de bine, abia așteptăm să revenim.
Dan Ionel
Dan Ionel
Pur si simplu magic
Un loc absolut minunat. Generozitate si ospitalitate atat a gazdei cat si a oamenilor din sat cu care pur si simplu intri in vorba. Lumea te saluta zambind pe strada si parca esti intampinat cu bucurie peste tot. Da, am fost asteptati cu bunatati in frigider (oua, rosii, o branza delicioasa, castraveti si paine), dar si daca nu am fi fost experienta ar fi fost aceeasi. Liniste si pace absoluta. Curtea interioara este foarte spatioasa si ingrijita, casa are un farmec aparte, curata si cu tot ce iti trebuie. Este o experienta diferita de turismul de hotelier sau cel de pensiune. Dar noi fix asta cautam. Este un loc in care nu faci decat sa respiri un aer curat si sa te relaxezi. Chiar a fost o experienta minunata si abia asteptan sa revenim.
Barbu Claudia
Barbu Claudia
amazing place to stay
Doamna Milena, ne-a tratat cu bunatati facute de ea (gris cu lapte si nuci caramelizate, placinta cu branza sarata, prajitura cu visine, gem de caise, etc.) pe care le-am savurat din plin pe terasa casei admirand peisajul din jur. Aici ne-am simtit iar copii alaturi de fetita noastra de 2 ani si ne-am amintit de viata de la tara, de bunici. Cocosul vecinilor ne-a fost ceas desteptator, iar talanga vacutei a rasunat melodios in timp ce ne luam micul dejun pe terasa casei. Recomandam cu drag sa vizitati casutele Milenei si sa va relaxati aici cu familia. Noua ne-a placut mult si abia asteptam sa revenim in zona. Multumim frumos pentru primire!!! Felicitari pentru ceea ce faceti cu drag! Claudia Barbu

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Măgura, Bezdead, Romania
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