Bunea Wilderness Cabin - Premium wildlife watching experience

Bunea Wilderness Cabin - Premium wildlife watching experience Baraj Pecineagu, Romania
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Conservation Carpathia

Member Since Jun 2020

Max. Capacity

6 Guests * 2 Bedrooms * 5 Beds * 1 Bathroom

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If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the big city to relax and unwind, we invite you on an epic journey right in the heart of Fagaras Mountains.

Surrounded by forests, far away from civilisation and overlooking Pecineagu Lake, Bunea wilderness cabin is the perfect blend of home comfort and unspoilt nature. More than wildlife watching, a few days at the hide are an opportunity to explore and reconnect with the wilderness of the Carpathian Mountains.

Built by Foundation Conservation Carpathia, this eco-friendly cabin is a green business example, which has a positive impact on the environment and the local economy.


  • Arrival (1pm-2pm) in Rucar village, Arges county.
  • Upon arrival, you will be welcomed with a glass of champagne and a light snack by your friendly host.
  • Once the sun starts setting, look for bears, wild boars, fox, red deer, roe deer, lynx, wolves or European bison from the comfort of the hide.
  • In the evening, enjoy a candle-lit gourmet dinner made from local, organic ingredients accompanied by premium Romanian organic wines. We spend our evenings telling stories.
  • At the crack of dawn, wake up to see any wildlife roaming around the area, enjoying a hot tea or coffee.
  • After a hearty breakfast, we choose a hiking trail that suits you best (for a minimum stay two nights; your guide will advise you about this). During our trip, we may check our camera traps installed by the Foundation Conservation Carpathia for wildlife monitoring.
  • At lunchtime, we stop in a scenic place with breath-taking views over the Făgăraș and Iezer-Păpușa Mountains to relax and enjoy a well-deserved picnic (this applies for minimum stay two nights; for a one-night-stay, you will receive a packaged lunch).


What you will find at Bunea Wilderness Cabin

  • Eco-friendly, wooden building with rustic design
  • Cosy beds, bed sheets, pillows and warm blankets
  • Fully equipped kitchen
  • Rustic fireplace
  • Dining room
  • Restroom with toilet, solar shower (weather-permitting), sink with running water, free toiletries, towels
  • Large windows for wildlife watching (additional windows for professional cameras/wildlife photography facilities)
  • Slippers
  • Rain ponchos
  • Wildlife and birdwatching equipment - binoculars - and telescope for stargazing
  • Field guides: birds, mammals, plants and other relevant brochures
  • Wildlife watching book (by writing down your wildlife observations, you also help our wildlife monitoring team)
  • Fresh air, tranquillity and great company
  • Exclusivity for you and your group (extra fees may apply)

What you will NOT find at Bunea Wilderness Cabin:

  • Wi-Fi
  • GSM service
  • Electricity

Bunea Wilderness Cabin is for you if you wish to

  • stay in a cosy eco-friendly cabin and experience wildlife at its best
  • relax a few days in the wilderness, away from civilization and crowded areas
  • reconnect with the beautiful nature of Fagaras Mountains
  • see wildlife (brown bear, red deer, roe deer, lynx, wolf, European bison, etc.) in their natural habitat
  • enjoy local organic food
  • learn about the largest private conservation project in Europe
  • support our cause to create a world-class wilderness reserve in the Romanian Carpathians for the benefit of the environment and the local communities.

Important information

This wildlife watching tour organised by the Foundation Conservation Carpathia starts from Rucar village, Arges county. You can safely park the car here and leave large baggage in the offices.

Bunea Wilderness Cabin can accommodate up to 6 guests. It features two bedrooms (one with a double bed and the other one with 4 bunk beds).

All profits go towards the conservation work of Foundation Conservation Carpathia*. *Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC) is one of the largest private conservation initiatives in Europe and has the goal to create a world-class wilderness reserve in the Carpathian Mountains.

By developing examples of green businesses in and around Făgăraș Mountains and working closely with the local communities, we intend to create a healthy and sustainable economy.

ID: TRAV1070

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    ID: TRAV21316

Rental type

Tiny Houses Tiny Houses


Kitchen Kitchen
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Breakfast Breakfast
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace

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Check In
01:00 PM
Check Out
10:00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Good to know
If you don't rent the entire cabin, we only accept children of 8yo and more.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Ultra strict
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
01:00 PM
Check Out
10:00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Good to know
If you don't rent the entire cabin, we only accept children of 8yo and more.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy
Ultra strictImage

100% payment in advance.


Based on 5 reviews
Very Good
Pahuta Bianca
Ne-am reconectat cu natura
Experienta noastra a fost una prea scurta (2zile/1 noapte) pe care ne dorim sa o repetam cat de curand. Totul a fost foarte bine organizat, de la plecarea spre observator, grija si atentia ghidului nostru Simona fata de noi si si ce cel mic...a fost perfect. Curatenie -impecabil, mancare delicioasa si companie pe masura. Observatorul Bunea este un loc magic, plin de energie pozitiva, un loc in care ne-am reincarcat bateriile si am dormit atat de bine si odihnitor incat n-am mai fi plecat de acolo. Ma bucur ca exista oameni precum cei din fundatia Carpathia si ca am avut sansa sa-i cunoastem. Misiunea lor este mareata si Romania are mult de beneficiat prin tot ceea ce fac. Recomand din tot sufletul sa incercati aceasta experienta, atat de unica si diferita.
rebecaKpusneanu rebecaKpusneanu
Foarte, dar foarte frumos!
Ceva cu adevarat autentic romanesc, o experienta memorabila, chiar si pentru copii care au stat 3 zile/2 nopti fara curent, wi-fi si semnal :) O ocazie de reconectare cu familia, prietenii si natura. Si felicitari pentru faptul ca “vindeti” experienta, nu doar cazare sau mancare. Multumim si felicitari ghizilor S si C pentru rabdare si pasiune! Cu siguranta ne vom intoarce.
Nicoleta Neacsu
Naturletea la ea Acasa
A fost un privilegiu sa ne bucurăm de natura la ea acasa. Toată experiența a fost absolut specială, de la priveliștea fantastica a Observatorului, la naturalețea locului, la modul in care animalele ne-au permis sa ne bucurăm de prezenta lor, toate completate de mâncarea delicioasa și un serviciu impecabil. Multumim Oana pentru organizare și Bianca pentru tot efortul tău și pentru vârful Comisu ?
Alina vashdi
Este genul de experienta unde realitatea bate pozele. Totul a fost la superlativ: drumul pana la Observatorul Bunea si inapoi la locul de intalnire, cazarea, natura. Privelistea din cabana- spre lacul Pecineagu si spre poienita preferata de ursii pofticiosi de iarba proaspata este mirifica. Noi am avut norocul sa vedem 2 ursi - unul seara, care a poposit in poiana in jur de o ora si altul pe la rasarit, venit sa serveasca cina :) Cabana ofera una dintre cele mai romantice atmosfere pe care le-am trait -poti servi cina la lumina lumanarilor sau poti admira inaltul cerului instelat, in plina natura aproape virgina. Lipsa semnalului sau a electricitatii nu face altceva decat sa sporeasca frumusetea locului, prin intoarcerera la natura. La interior, cabana iti ofera tot confortul de care ai nevoie si chiar mai mult. Totul este curat, foarte bine intretinut si foarte chic, realizat cu o atentie la detalii uimitoare. Nu ne asteptam ca la 2 ore departare de lume, in inima muntelui, sa poti bea un pahar de vin dintr-un pahar de cristal. Deliciile gastronomice imi fac pofta si acum cand imi aduc aminte: preparate locale, bio dintre cele mai gustoase . Cat despre Andrei, ghidul nostru, merita nota 10 cu felicitari. Un bun cunoscator al florei si faunei locale, o gazda extrem de primitoare si atenta la nevoile noastre, care ne-a facut sa ne simtim in siguranta pe parcursul intregii experiente. Pe scurt, totul te lasa fara grai. Sunt locuri minunate in care constie ntizezi puterea si frumusetea naturii. Superb este putin spus.
Cosmina Bucerzan
Observatorul Bunea
4-5 iulie 2020 - o exeprienta unica pentru grupul nostru : adulti si copii:) Am testat viata pentru 24 h fara telefon, tableta, curent electric! Am vorbit, am mancat, am baut si ne-am simtit foarte bine intr-un mod inedit! Locul este superb, natura te asteapta si te cuprinde cate un pic, cate un pic....Pe drumul care serpuia printre copaci, am avut ocazia sa intalnim un Urs :) L-am deranjat doar putin timp... cat am trecut cu masina! S-a speriat si a luat-o la goana pe munte. Urca pe panta abrupta a muntelui de parca mergea pe sosea. Fantastic! Am lasat masina unde intr-o zona deschisa, iar noi am urcat aproximativ 20 minute prin padure pana la locul de cazare. Observatorul este un loc modern, insa totul respecta cerintele locului! Mancarea, bautura, cafeaua, ceaiul, dulciurile - totul Bio si preparate de oamenii locului. Ghidul care ne-a insotit pe tot parcursul acestei experiente a fost foarte atent la nevoile noastre, foarte decent si foarte instruit. Ploaia care nu s-a oprit pana la ora 23,00 si lampa cu gaz care ne lumina fetele si gandurile, ne-au dus intr-o atmosfera pe care nu am mai trait-o demult! Nimeni nu s-a plictisit! A 2 - a zi am facut o coborare prin padure, frunze, noroi si alte obstacole! Am ajuns la masina ranger-ului obositi, incantati, plini de noroi insa victoriosi ! Va multumim si va uram mult Succes !
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Baraj Pecineagu, Romania
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