HAI la Saivan *Bio Retreat and Farm*

HAI la Saivan *Bio Retreat and Farm* Prisaca Dornei, Vama, Romania
Săgeată spre stânga Imagine conținut model interior Săgeată spre dreapta
Raluca V.

Member Since Mar 2020

Max. Capacity

12 Guests * 4 Bedrooms * 6 Beds * 4 Bathrooms

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Sitting on top of a plateau overlooking the Moldova river valley with mount Rarau in the background, HAI LA SAIVAN *BioRetreat&Farm* is an unique, authentic place, designed specifically for those who can appreciate unspoiled nature and life in a real, traditional romanian farm, just like back in the day - but with all modern comforts.

"Saivan" is an old romanian word that means „winter shelter for the sheep”.

The place

At HAI  LA SAIVAN *Bio Retreat & Farm* you will be able to pick in total from 3 traditional wooden houses dating back from the 1910s and 20s AND 30S, transported from different villages in Bucovina and rebuilt on top of the hill for spectacular views and peace.

Thanks to the 3 fresh-mountain-water wells on the land, the farm is a proper agriturism and on the property you will find horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits, pigs, cats and shepard dogs.

And often, passing by, also our friends the fox, the deer and the wild boars.

We do not accept food from the outside, most of our products are from the Hai la Saivan farm and Chef Lili  will be more than happy to provide you with delicious lunches and dinners prepared with ingredients fresh from the farm, for a small extra fee.

All eggs, milk, cheese, meat, honey and palinka come straight from the farm, 100% Bio, and are made using traditional methods centuries old.

That's the base of our breakfasts and of chef Lili kitchen, and the secret that enables her to prepare such delights out of the best traditional recipies from Bucovina.

The houses

Each of the 3 houses enjoys perfect views and exposure to all day sunlight, as they all face south to the valley - so you can watch sunrise and sunset right from your porch while sipping your coffee or a glass of fresh milk.

The wooden houses were built using traditional ancient tecniques and even though they offer modern comforts such as electricity, central heating, running hot/cold water and contemporary restrooms, you will not find TV.

We are sure you will have more time and will be happy to disconnect and savour the truthness and uniqueness of the nature and the place. Step back in time.

Breakfast is not included in the lodging fee, but you will deffinately enjoy it, fresh from the farm! The houses can be rented all together or one by one.

How to get there

  • By plane

The Suceava International Airport is just 1 hour away, and has direct flights to Bucharest, Italy (Rome, Milan, Bologna), to UK (London), to Germany (Memmingen/Munich) and more. It also has several direct flights daily from/to Bucharest - 50 minutes flight. We are happy to arrange airport pick ups for a small fee.

  • By train

There are main train stations in Gura Humorului, Campulung Moldovenesc and Vama, all just 5 to 15 minutes away. When coming from Bucharest, best solution is to take the night train leaving from Gara de Nord at 9.30 PM. You can get Vagon de dormit (Sleeping wagon) or ”cuseta “and you will arrive all fresh directly in Vama at 6 am - we will arrange pick up from the train station directly with our 4x4.

  • By Car

Vama and Campulung are easily accessible with road and car, it's about a 6 hours drive from Bucharest. The access to the property itself, though, it's remote and implies crossing the railroad tracks and the Moldova river, so we require you call us in advance to organize your pick up with our 4x4.

What can you do there

  • Doing nothing and watching the clouds
  • Farming
  • Sheparding
  • Making the cheese
  • Trekking
  • Forest walks
  • Wildlife spotting
  • Horse riding
  • Sunbathing
  • Cutting the hay (summer only)
  • Trout fishing (summer only)
  • Herbal walks (summer only)
  • Mushrooms picking (summer to autumn)
  • Traditional sewing classes (with Mama Dora)
  • Traditional cooking classes (with Chef Liliana)
  • Traditional egg painting with local artisans

It's also an ideal base to explore not only the region and its Unesco sites such as the amazing Painted Monesteries of Bucovina, but also for winter sports and activities on Mount Rarau brand-new Ski slopes, the longest in the country.

ID: TRAV1050

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    ID: TRAV17784

Rental type

Rustic Resorts
Traditional homes


Kitchen Kitchen
Free parking on premises Free parking on premises
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Children playground Children playground
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Free Wi-fi Free Wi-fi
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Breakfast Breakfast
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Balcony Balcony
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Yoga Yoga
Remote work Remote work
Airport pick-up Airport pick-up
Reception Reception
Luggage support Luggage support

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Check In
3:00 PM
Check Out
11.00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Pets are allowed but we may charge an extra fee.
Parties or events are allowed.
Children of any ages are welcome.
No parking on property - The spot it's on a hill, part of a Natural Reservation overlooking the whole valley, which means crossing the railway and the river will be made with our own 4x4 only, we have a parking lot for you, near the main road, and a driver to pick you up and bring you at Hai la Saivan.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
3:00 PM
Check Out
11.00 AM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Pets are allowed but we may charge an extra fee.
Parties or events are allowed.
Children of any ages are welcome.
No parking on property - The spot it's on a hill, part of a Natural Reservation overlooking the whole valley, which means crossing the railway and the river will be made with our own 4x4 only, we have a parking lot for you, near the main road, and a driver to pick you up and bring you at Hai la Saivan.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy

100% payment in advance.


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Based on 2 reviews
Very Good
Dora Bakos
Anul acesta am ales pentru calatorii casute individuale si am avut ocazia sa incercam cateva. La Saivan nu are termen de comparatie, traditionalul a fost foarte armonios imbinat cu modernul. Gazdele sunt extrem de primitoare, mancarea lui Chef Lili este minunata, ne-am simtit rasfatati ca la bunici. Vrem sa revenim si in primavara-vara. Multumim!
Dumitrache Bianca
Hai La Saivan este o poveste.....despre Bucovina. Casutele traditionale bucovinene sunt reinventate cu mult bun gust si atentie la detalii, locatia este impresionanta, cu o vedere superba catre natura. Gazdele sunt extrem de primitoare si mereu disponibile, calde. Mancarea...greu de descris in cuvinte. Felicitari pentru dedicarea cu care faceti turism!
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Prisaca Dornei, Vama, Romania
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5.0/5 (Excellent)

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