IN VALE - A glamping experience near Transfagarasan

IN VALE - A glamping experience near Transfagarasan Valea lui Enache, Romania
Săgeată spre stânga Imagine conținut model interior Săgeată spre dreapta
Elena V.

Member Since Sep 2020

Max. Capacity

4 Guests * 1 Bedroom * 2 Beds * 1 Bathroom

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All bookings require prior approval from the hosts. You can choose to pay through Travlocals with full protection or contact the host directly.


Nested in an orchard, IN VALE (In the Valley) is a place that allows you to reconnect with nature and human values. It is a place that changes appearance in every season and marvels you with each passing moment.

The dome is the constant that watches discretely over life itself. In the dome or on its terrace enjoying a cup of coffee, reading a book, or practicing yoga are just a few of the activities you can experience.

Squirrels, foxes, deers or pheasants could bother you from time to time! Geodesic domes were invented by Buckminster Fuller.

Domes can be generated from many geometrical figures and ours has an icosahedron as basis (a 20 faces polyhedron) with a diameter of 7m and a height of 4m.

Valea lui Enache (Enache's Valley) is a village at about 8km from Curtea de Arges, the first capital of Wallachia. Coming form Pitesti, on the road to the Transfagarasan, our dome stands on the hill on the left of the Zigoneni dam, in an orchard.

The following are included in the price

Option 2/2 - two persons for two nights - 150eur/night:

  1. Housing in our completely equipped Dome (1 double bed, wood burning fireplace, AC, bathroom).
  2. Towels, pillows and duvet, bed linen and blankets.
  3. Private parking onsite.
  4. Wireless internet.
  5. A welcome drink for two.
  6. Coffee and plain water in the room.
  7. Access to the garden patio, the playgrounds, the orchard and to the forest in the back of the house, ping-pong table and darts, Catan.
  8. Breakfast (8:30-10:30) on our garden patio with set menu. Vegetarians are welcomed! Please announce yourself upon booking. We can also serve breakfast on the dome terrace, on request.

The breakfast is made of:

  • Our specialty: disk omelet cooked in front of you with fresh vegetables and cheese. Eggs and milk are freshly “procured” the same morning and sweet or salted cheese come from our neighbor Gabi with a Holstein cow.
  • Lettuce and spring onions from our garden
  • Butter and homemade jam
  • Tea and coffee
  • Do tell us beforehand if you have food allergies and / or unwanted groceries.

Option 4/2 - four persons for two nights - 200eur/night: - All that is covered by the option 2/2, for 4 persons - 2 persons in double bed and 2 persons at the mezzanine in a double-sized mattress ( thickness of the mattress 30cm ) - Breakfast for 4 persons.

What is forbidden
  • Although we are isolated and the nearest neighbors are quite far, we count on you to keep the noise within the bounds of reason.
  • Smoking is forbidden in the Dome and on its terrace. Smoking is permitted in the orchard, but please do not throw the stubs in the grass. Any damaged property that arise from the breaking this rule will be completely refunded by you.
  • The objects in the Dome are precious, handle them with care as if they were yours.

  • Are we safe in the orchard?

Although you are in an orchard and not really in the forest, it is possible to spot squirrels, foxes and does. Occasionally in the evening some wild boars visit us and so we recommend walking through the orchard only in daylight. For the short trips to the car or the terrace we will lend you portable lamps.

  • Can we come with our kids?

Of course! If the children are under three years of age, please let us know before arriving so that we can get a folding bed ready. Kids of more than 6 years old can sleep at the mezzanine. Although the mezzanine does have railings, please ask your kids not to play standing. The playground in the garden, the slide, the swing, the trampoline and the sand house are accessible. As parents you are responsible of how they are used and of the childrenșs safety.

  • What do I take with me?

We have almost everything IN THE VALE, but we recommend you take with you a sweater and adequate footwear for an eventual walk through the woods.

  • What not to take with me?

Food or drinks. Breakfast is included in the accommodation rate. For lunch and dinner we welcome you to try the restaurants in Curtea de Arges. We could help you with some recommendations. Bringing any food with you in the Dome or on the Dome terrace is strictly forbidden. We can organize a barbecue on Saturdays for the persons in the Dome and maximum 2 other visitors. 

  • What can I use?

You have access to the orchard, the barbecue terrace, children playgrounds and Wi-fi.

  • Can I come with my dog or cat?

Unfortunately, no.

  • What are the safety measures?

You are on a private property and it has never happened for anything to disappear. But if you have valuables you can entrust them to us. We are not responsible for lost objects. If you have forgotten something and we find it, we will notify you and keep it until your next visit.

  • Are visitors welcomed?

Yes, maximum two persons. Please let us know of their arrival. They will not be able to stay overnight.

  • Is airport transfer possible?

Yes, we can organize an airport - IN THE VALE transfer. Please specify the number of persons when booking, the date and the time at which you would like to be waited upon and information about the return, for us to be able to price this order for you. We can help you with transportation to and from Curtea de Arges. Taxis are available upon request.

ID: TRAV1031

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    ID: TRAV25637

Rental type



Free parking Free parking
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Pool Pool
Hot tub Hot tub
Children playground Children playground
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Free Wi-fi Free Wi-fi
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Breakfast Breakfast
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Remote work Remote work
Airport pick-up Airport pick-up
Luggage support Luggage support

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Check In
2:00 PM
Check Out
12:00 PM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Other things to know
If the children are under three years of age, please let us know before arriving so that we can get a folding bed ready. Kids of more than 6 years old can sleep at the mezzanine. Although the mezzanine does have railings, please ask your kids not to play standing. The playground in the garden, the slide, the swing, the trampoline and the sand house are accessible. As parents you are responsible of how they are used and of the children's safety.
Travlocals Booking Policy
100% payment in advance.
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Check In
2:00 PM
Check Out
12:00 PM
Hotel Policies
No smoking inside.
Unfortunately, even if we love them, pets are not allowed.
No parties or events.
Children of any ages are welcome.
Other things to know
If the children are under three years of age, please let us know before arriving so that we can get a folding bed ready. Kids of more than 6 years old can sleep at the mezzanine. Although the mezzanine does have railings, please ask your kids not to play standing. The playground in the garden, the slide, the swing, the trampoline and the sand house are accessible. As parents you are responsible of how they are used and of the children's safety.
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy

100% payment in advance.
Direct Booking Policy
Advance Payment (%)
Refundable in case of cancellation
With how many days before check-in
14 days
Payment with holiday vouchers
Not Accepted


Based on 18 reviews
Very Good
Alexandru Toma
foarte ok
- a fost foarte frumos - curtea este foarte mare cu mai multe locuri in care iti poti petrece timpul - un loc foarte potrivit pentru copii - gazda foarte discreta si primitoare
Garofil Dumitru
Locul perfect pentru un cuplu
Superb! Gazda a fost foarte amabilă, micul dejun delicios, priveliștea de poveste și condițiile fără cusur! Daca mergeți iarna, căldura nu este o problemă, întrucât există 3 surse de căldură. Este un loc intim, perfect pentru un cuplu sau pentru 4 persoane. În cazul în care aveți mașină electrică veți fi plăcut surprinși să vedeți ca locația este dotată cu stație de încărcare electrică.
Catalin Ristea
Un loc de poveste
Am petrecut cateva zile minunate in acest loc fain - relaxare din plin incat iti vine greu sa pleci cand sejurul se termina. Gazdele sunt minunate si ne-au rasfatat cu niste mese extrem de gustoase si sanatoase. Atentia la cele mai mici detalii (piese decorative, muzica ambientala) ne-au introdus intr-o atmosfera feerica si relaxanta de fiecare data cand luam masa, astfel incat cu greu ne ridicam. Conditiile din dom sunt foarte bune - curatenie, comfort, spatiu suficient, priveliste de vis. Livada si spatiul din jur sunt perfecte pentru plimbari, picnic, leneveala si relaxare. Am folosit si dutch tub-ul care a fost genial - a sporit relaxarea si bucuria noastra. Toate elemenetele de mai sus si tot timpul petrecut in natura au contribuit la o experienta pe care dorim sa o repetam!
AdrianaiLie AdrianaiLie
Pe-un picior de plai, pe-o gură de rai
Un loc parcă desprins din cele mai frumoase basme. Simfonie a păsărilor, peisaj pictat cu oameni minunați, povești frumoase, mâncare gustoasă. Felicitări!
Adrian D.
Sensations over tourism
If you want just classic tourism, this is not the place to go but if you look for something different, to challenge your feelings and sensations, thatșs the right place! Very nice experience and friendly hosts, very good food and amazing view you when you wake up! ????u2764ufe0fu2764ufe0f
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Valea lui Enache, Romania
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