Cabana Frasin

Cabana Frasin Cabana Turistica Frasin, Dragoslavele, România
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Radu I.

Member Since Nov 2022

Max. Capacity

26 Guests * 12 Bedrooms * 16 Beds * 9 Bathrooms

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All bookings require prior approval from the hosts. You can choose to pay through Travlocals with full protection or contact the host directly.


At Cabana Frason, we promise you honest fun and mountain adventures like in the old travel novels.

Above all, we love the mountain. We want to be an interface between the ordinary tourist and the wonderful world of the mountain. If your goal is to enjoy relaxation and oxygen, the tranquility that deep one that you can only find in the heart of the forest, of hikes and trips in the beautiful mountains that surround us, of campfires and intimate parties in the gang, we are what you want .

In this cabin you can listen to folk, blues, jazz, rock and all their cultural derivatives. We have a serious intolerance to belly dancing, manele sounds and their subcultural species. In case you are not in this area or, at least, you do not have the availability of adaptation, it is useless to go through the website in order to make a reservation with us.


We understand the specific needs of an urban tourist, which is why we provide all the comforts of civilization: running hot and cold water, central heating in the main lodge, and ceramic stoves in the others, TV, Internet—because, as our brave ancestors used to say while fighting the Turks barehanded, "the Internet is a Romanian's best friend" :))—a refrigerator for food, a swimming pool in the summer and a hot tub in the winter, parking for cars, bicycles for cycling enthusiasts, a first aid center, and a tourist information point.

We offer affordable prices and a limited number of spots. This means we have fewer staff members. Of course, your needs—delicious food sourced from local producers, free of preservatives and flavor enhancers, impeccable cleanliness—will be met. However, we will prepare a limited number of dishes. Meals are served buffet-style.

We provide a wide range of trails and maps; we’ve created shelters and paths leading to incredibly beautiful and almost untouched places: the Ghimbav Gorges, the Great Dâmbovița Gorge, Domnița Lake and Green Lake, Mount Cioara, the western ridge of the Leaota Mountains, the stone fortresses of Piatra Dragoslavelor, and more. How so—many of these names don’t sound familiar? That’s exactly why they’re worth discovering and enjoying. Local legends are on the house.


The food is from our farm or from local suppliers we have known for over 14 years.

We don't cook a la carte for the sake of the multitude of the menu, we make some delicious dishes with the help of the aunties from the village (sarmale la tuci with mice, stews of all kinds, goulash, ciulamale, sour peasant soups with morer, bulz, winged in all kinds, moussaka, steaks and fries with garnishes, sweet with jams).

For what we do not know, we are waiting for your proposals and help. We encourage, depending on our sources of supply, vegetarian cooking. With great love, we cook for you.

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    ID: TRAV40628

Rental type



Free parking Free parking
Outdoor activities Outdoor activities
Pool Pool
Hot tub Hot tub
Children playground Children playground
Pet friendly Pet friendly
Kids friendly Kids friendly
Free Wi-fi Free Wi-fi
Laptop friendly Laptop friendly
Breakfast Breakfast
Garden Garden
Terrace Terrace
Balcony Balcony
Heating Heating
Fireplace Fireplace
Barbeque area Barbeque area
Remote work Remote work
Reception Reception
Luggage support Luggage support

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Check In
From 16:00 to 21:00
Check Out
From 10:00 to 12:00
Hotel Policies
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Check In
From 16:00 to 21:00
Check Out
From 10:00 to 12:00
Hotel Policies
Travlocals Booking Policy
Cancellation Policy

100% payment in advance.
Direct Booking Policy
Refundable in case of cancellation
With how many days before check-in
6 days
Payment with holiday vouchers


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Very Good

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Cabana Turistica Frasin, Dragoslavele, România
Vezi harta


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